Sunday Breakfast DIY – Salmon Cakes

Hello lovelies!

Do you know what is great? And soooo delicious — brunch on a Sunday. Generally Sunday is my wind down day, a day of calm where I get much needed things done.. grade papers if I am teaching a class, laundry if needed and of course sewing!

However, a good brunch / breakfast is awesome and I simply love salmon cakes.

I was used to making my salmon cakes out of a can — I clean and dispose all unnecessary elements that were are the can with the salmon (like the dark skin and the bones.) Cans of salmon can be costly and can yield about 5 to 6 cakes from it depending on the size of them. But I decided that I would begin making my salmon cakes from fresh salmon.

Whole Foods has in their seafood freezer section – pre-packaged single serve size pieces of fish; they also have a great variety of other types of fish frozen the same way.

How to Create

The package below represents the size and weight of approximately .28 which is about a quarter of a pound.  I take it out of the package and roast it about 15 minutes. Olive Oil on the skin and seasoned, flipped over seasoned and added a dash of butter. Once the salmon is “milky white,” it is done.

I use some of this Salmon Seasoning that I picked up in BJ’s.

Here is the roasted piece seasoned.

I let it cool another 10 to 15 minutes then break it all up with a knife and fork. Add a dash of old bay, the seasoning you see above and one egg — I use brown eggs. Also you can’t have salmon cakes with onion, today its red onion. Sometimes I prefer Sweet Vidalia onion.

Then I add to the bowl some break crumbs and panko bread crumbs — a shake of both of these for flavor and to bind the cake together.


Well lookie here! Finished salmon cakes — so that 4 ounces of fish yielded about 4 small cakes, which is plenty for myself with leftovers.

Added to the pan with some Virgin Olive Oil… and cook until brown on the edges

Completed Salmon Cakes

Here are the completed pan fried cakes — notice there is very little oil is on the paper towel?

And my finished meal! Oh yes can’t have salmon cakes without eggs, creamy grits, and tomato!

Yumm Yumm!

Whats your favorite breakfast meal??



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