Pretty Polka Dots – Lady Shorts

Cute hun?
I would never think to make my own “foundations” let alone my own bras or panties.. but after meeting a fabulous ASG member at the sewing retreat in December and she was creating her own bras I became intrigued. I happen to stubble upon another blog where this sewer has created the most adorable pieces Very Purple Person and I knew I had to begin somewhere. However, most of the suppliers seemed to be in the UK or elsewhere and I wanted to begin right away with something simple at least — yes its that shopping impulsive urge. I then stumbled upon Cloth Habits site and link to a free Lady Shorts Pattern .. the result you see above..
Materials Used:
Polka Dot Cotton Knit from JoAnn’s 1/2 yard
Top Lace from JoAnn’s 2 yards
Smaller lace around the legs JoAnn’s 3 yards
You can’t see it but I did purchase a 1/4 yard of thin cotton fabric in orange (they did not have white, why I do not know). The clerk suggested a different thin white knit but it had polyester mixed.
I downloaded the pattern — pieced it together and I had to think about it a minute.. Like how in the world would these two pieces of fabric become “lady shorts” lol but 4 seams later or less they were!
I add the cute lace with a little ease and tension and there you have it.. I promised this is probably the quickest thing I have ever sewed! And in less than 30 minutes I might add!
For sure using stretch cotton might not be very economical especially with the lace trim which I love.. But if you use different fabric like stretch silk, or other luxury fabrics you will have a unique piece of lingerie to love and it was fun sewing!
Yeah or Nay.. let me know your thoughts 🙂